Hayes Blog

The Challenges of Pumping Abrasive Slurry

Slurries are a blend of liquids and solids. Often used for transporting large quantities of solids that have undergone particle reduction processes, these materials are added to water or other liquids to allow them to be pumped away via a slurry pump. It’s a much more cost-efficient means for moving bulk solids after processing, including for abrasive substances. Slurry pumps are commonly used in many of these applications.

How Industrial Sump Pump Systems Work

In simple terms, a sump pump is just one used to remove water accumulated in a localized depression known as a “sump.” While sump pumps are often found in residential basements in places prone to flooding or high water tables, industrial sump pump systems can be found in places like construction sites, military bases, mining operations, power plants, and other facilities where water accumulation can cause problems. They are also used when extracting water from aquifers for municipal water plants to keep the ground above it stable. Industrial sump pumps help provide solutions for handling water in areas where it’s not wanted for numerous other industries as well. Due to their widespread use in many applications, understanding how industrial sump pumps operate is useful knowledge for workers and managers in the industries that utilize them.

Guidelines for Fuel Oil Pump Set: What You Need to Know

Fossil fuels still provide the basic fuels that enable modern societies to function, and their use will likely continue for the foreseeable future. Also known as furnace fuel for its historic use in heating applications, fuel oil, like any other fossil fuel, requires a means to transport it, regardless of whether it’s used for heating or fuel. Oil pumps designed to convey fuel oil from storage to where it’s used must be designed to deal with its various properties.

What is the Difference Between Filters and Strainers?

Many people who work around industrial pumps understand that pump strainers and filters are used in different applications, but only some understand the difference between the two. Those who know nothing about a pump, strainers, and filters might as well be the same, as they perform similar tasks. Yet it’s helpful to understand the differences between the two and the similar yet distinctive applications for which both are used.

Different Types of Pumps

Pumps are essential tools used in various industries, including manufacturing, construction, and agriculture. They play a crucial role in moving liquids from one location to another, making them an integral part of many processes.

However, not all pumps are the same. Several types of pumps serve different purposes and have unique features. This blog will discuss the different types of pumps, their uses, and their benefits. By the end, you'll better understand which type of pump suits your specific needs and factors to consider when choosing one.

What are Positive Displacement Pumps?

Positive displacement pumps move liquids through valves and piping that enclose fixed volumes of fluids and then transfer them through a system. They cyclically pump these measured capacities, driven by diaphragms, gears, lobes, pistons, screws, vanes, or other implements. They’re generally used for applications involving viscous liquids, such as oils or slurries. Positive displacement pumps are especially desirable when these viscous fluids are highly pressurized, such as what happens in the processing of emulsions, certain types of food, and biological fluids, or when precise measurements are required.

Why Test Your Pump for Efficiency

Pumps and pumping systems are some of the most costly equipment used by water utilities and other large operations that transport water. Despite their importance, the actual parameters for pump performance are often largely unknown by anyone except the engineer who designed the pumping system. Even operators tend to see pump systems as an unknowable and unchangeable part of their work environment. Yet this seeming lack of knowledge regarding the most important tool in many fluid-transporting systems can sometimes become a real problem.

What is a Fuel Oil Pump?

Fossil fuels are the basis of modern society, and their use is unlikely to end anytime soon. Derivatives of crude oil and other fossil fuels run trucks, trains, ships, cars, and other vehicles, while these fuels can also be used to heat homes and power generators. Regardless of the type of fuel, a fuel oil pump transports fuel from a storage tank to where it’s to be used. Fuel oil pumps do everything from bringing raw crude oil from reservoirs underground to filling up a car’s fuel tank. In a sense, the fuel pump in a car does the same thing, transporting gasoline from the fuel tank to make the engine run.

Guide to Preventive Pump System Maintenance

Many applications depend on pumps operating correctly, and, in certain cases, an unreliable pump can even cause catastrophic damage to a pumping system. For example, a pump in a cooling system that breaks down can cause overheating that then leads to system failure, while in systems that pump lubricants, this can result in the seizing of mechanical implements that then ruin equipment. In other cases, failed pumping mechanisms can cause significant loss in productivity, as would be the case in the petrochemical or energy industries.

What are the Different Types of Pump Strainers?

Strainers for pump systems primarily function as filters for the liquids or gases going through the system’s piping. While a seemingly simple assignment, many pump applications depend on properly working strainers. For pumps used in any pipeline operation, sediment that may include sand, dirt, or other detritus can build up within the pipes or elsewhere in the system. Whatever the pumping application, strainers for pumps ensure the whole system runs smoothly.