NEW Priming-Assisted Centrifugal Pumps from Gorman-Rupp

Gorman-rupp-centrifugal-pumps-VAP4_275Hayes Pump is pleased to announce a new line of cost-effective priming-assisted centrifugal pumps.

The Gorman-Rupp ValuPrime™ is a compact and powerful pump ideally suited for the dewatering needs of the construction, industrial, and agricultural markets. These pumps are ideal for floodwater/storm standby, general job site dewatering, river and dam bypass operations, dust control and for water and street department applications.

These pumps provide a high level of performance based on the proven technology of the Prime Aire® and Prime Aire Plus® models.  The new VPA Series™ pump line features:

  • 34 gallon fuel tank
  • programmable control panel
  • EPA compliant Isuzu Final Tier IV diesel engine
  • one-year factory warranty
  • size 4” x 4” (100 mm x 100 mm)
  • size 6” x 6” (150 mm x 150 mm)
  • flows to 1520 GPM (95.9 lps)
  • total dynamic head to 150’ (45.7 m)
  • solids handling capabilities up to 3” (76.2 mm)





Download Brochures:


Download Gorman-Rupp-Model-VPA6A60C‐4LE2T-FT4 (4x4 model)

Download Gorman-Rupp-model-VPA4A60C‐3CH1-FT4 (6x6 model)

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